Ebook gratuit TREASURY OF ILLUMINATED BORDERS, by Carol Belanger Grafton
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Ebook gratuit TREASURY OF ILLUMINATED BORDERS, by Carol Belanger Grafton
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 48 pages
Editeur : Dover Publications Inc. (1 septembre 1988)
Collection : Dover Pictorial Archive
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0486256995
ISBN-13: 978-0486256993
Dimensions du produit:
23,6 x 0,4 x 31,2 cm
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I love this book and have used it consistently for the past three years since purchased. The pattern images are highly detailed, vivid and printed on one side of heavyweight paper. Some of the designs look "uneven", as other reviewers have noted (negatively,) but that's because these patterns were taken from the pages of medieval books, which were meant to be viewed with the book opened, showing two pages at a time. So, the images correspond with and match one another, left- and right-side, and are symmetrical when viewed the way intended. This feature makes for a very spectacular and beautiful book.When I need to use one of the "lopsided" designs, it's a simple matter to adapt the design to whatever size or shape I need by piecing the desired elements together, using either a copy machine or transfer paper or tracing paper. No pattern/border/design resource book will suit one's every artistic need *as is* anyway; most designs (in any book) will need to be adapted in some way, either by resizing it, cut-and-pasting, changing the color scheme, or whatever to suit one's needs.
Not totally what I was expecting, but I still like it for the pictures. I was hoping for ideas to draw my own illumination, but the designs are so intricate that I don't think I can use it. So this is more a book for looking at. Nonetheless, I give it 5 stars because the pictures are beautiful.
Wonderful source for illumination ideas. Beautiful coloring of the plates, and very clear images. The only problem I had with this book was the very high gloss of the pages. It made it difficult to use for picture reference since you had to hold it at an odd angle to remove the glare from any lights. Otherwise, this book is well worth the money paid. The Dover Series have easily become my favorite source for needlework, illumination, painting, and artwork ideas.
The book is lovely to look at, but who goes around buying books JUST to look at the pictures? The borders are vibrant and catch your eye with their originality and style but what can you really do with them? The sides are extremely uneven leaving no real way to fix and "pixel-push" into a usable piece of artwork. There is no hope for this book when dealing with graphical design. You should save your money for something better.
The borders of this book are beautiful, hence three stars - there's no doubt about that. However, it's very hard to find uses for them. Some are actually extremely larger on one side than the other, so, if using the entire thing was ever your plan - you're pretty much out of luck. The difference in side sizes are obviously intentional - but bad. I do not recommend this book to anyone looking to use it for web designs.
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